Tuesday, June 11, 2013

On being a director

It's been a rough day.

I think I keep expecting things to be easy, and when it isn't I go into this whole analytical and questioning state.

What is directing?

Cause it's taking a lot from me having to tell people what to do.

But I'm not telling them what to do, I'm "directing" them right?

What I'm struggling with is not getting back what I want. I've briefed, I've directed but...

Am I speaking unclear? Does it make sense? How many times can I keep telling someone to redo something?

I almost want to just do everything myself. I'm already doing too much, and have done so much! It's all getting to me. I'm overwhelmed. I'm tired and restless...

But speaking about directing again...

I want to be a director because it's everything I'm not!

It commands authority: something which I obviously struggle with self esteem wise.

You have to be eloquent and communicate your ideas well: I can see everything so clearly in my head but recently found out, that despite all the instructions that I give there's still pieces of that image that I don't convey.

Be able to ask for what you want till you get it: um...like yea ok that'll do...don't really want to bother you...

Ultimately it's about having a vision with the patience, strength and confidence to pull it off the way you see it!

Ill get there!!

I want to know how other director's define them self and experience...tell me!!

1 comment:

  1. Patience. That's the number one.

    Pick a good team and don't settle BUT be sure to know your limits in terms of who you can get and what you can accomplish together.

    Assure your team you believe in them where you do and encourage them to be better (and that they will be better) as you learn and grow together.

    Be firm in your vision (that means making sure to be confident in what you believe is good and right both inside you and outside you - this is not always easy).

    Know and admit when you are wrong but don't apologize incessantly. There is a big difference between a director with humility and a director who is afraid of people losing faith in her.

    BIGGEST FACTOR: Have fun and make sure everyone else is too. If you are, chances are, they will.

    What else?!
