Saturday, May 11, 2013

Emotionally Crippled VS. Physically Crippled

Things have been busy and going real well...

That's until I got on Vimeo and saw some ass kicking videos and now I hate all the stuff I've worked on.

I want to produce and just create beauty constantly...but I don't know why I'm so easily crippled, and most of all easily put down. What's stopping me?

In my head there's magic going on, then I sit in front of the computer and just distract myself with nonsense, get easily discouraged, and most of all restless!

I have no stability in my life and I think that just seeps into everything. It creates this creative block. How can I sit and produce if I don't even have a permanent desk to sit on?

I just finished watching this documentary: "Jujistsiung Reality"

Just amazing!

Emotionally Crippled VS. Physically Crippled

Life's never easy...